Affiliate Program
We’re excited you’d like to join us and help share our mission!
We launched our first product, FinalStraw—the original reusable, collapsible straw--on Kickstarter in 2018. Since then, we’ve helped prevent over 300 million single-use straws from entering the environment… and we’re just getting started!
We’re constantly working to create innovative and sustainable solutions for the future. In March, we launched FinalWipe—a reusable sanitizing wipe—on Kickstarter and reached our funding goal in the first 8 hours! This July, BiggieStraw—a boba & smoothie straw—is making its *big* debut. By the end of summer, we’ll be showing people how to quit forking around with single-use plastic with FinalFork… and FinalSpork!
One straw, fork, and spork at a time, we’re making sustainability sexy. Are you ready to get started? Fill out our online form with AvantLink to begin the affiliate application process. We’re looking forward to partnering with you!